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These cookies are essential so that you can move around the website and use its features. Without these cookies services you have asked for cannot be provided. These are on by default but can be turned off in your browser settings. See list of strictly necessary cookies
Cookie Name What is it used for?
ASP.NET_SessionId Identifies the users session on the server anonymously
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These cookies allow the website to remember choices you make to give you better functionality and personal features.
Cookie Name What is it used for?


I’ve forgotten my username!

Your username is the email address you registered to sign up to Wightman & Parrish online ordering - this is where your invoice statements are sent to. If you can't remember what this is, please contact Web Team on [email protected] or call our client services team on 01323 445 001 and ask to talk to the Web Team. Please have your client account number to hand.

I’ve forgotten my password!

If you've forgotten your password but still have your username or know which email address is registered to your account you can simply use the 'Forgotten Password' link on the login screen. Input your username or email address, enter the security code and some temporary login details will be sent your way so you can reset you password.

Do I need to have an account to place an order?

Yes you do. Currently all accounts are set up by our Web Team, if you'd like to open an account with Wightman & Parrish, please contact us on [email protected] or 01323 445001.

If you're an existing Wightman & Parrish customer, your new web account will take around 1-2 working days to become live. If you're brand new to Wightman & Parrish, it will take 2-3 working days for you to be able to use your online ordering account. 

An item I normally purchase is out of stock, how do I know when it’ll be available again?

We are able to look up when deliveries are due to arrive with us. Just get in touch with Customer Services on 01323 445 001, or email [email protected] with your query and one of our helpful team will be in touch as soon as possible.

I’d like to purchase a hygiene/healthcare item from you but can’t find it on your website, can you help?

We may be able to source the item for you, please get in touch with Client Services on 01323 445 001, or email [email protected] with your query and one of our helpful team will look into your request and be in touch as soon as possible.

What is your returns policy?

The Wightman & Parrish returns policy is set out under point 5 in our Trading Terms.

What do I do if I have a complaint?

If you are dissatisfied with either the service you have received, or with one of your purchases, please do not hesitate to contact Customer Services on 01323 445 001, or email [email protected]. We welcome all feedback and are always looking for ways to improve our service.