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If you are a charity, chronically sick or disabled and the goods or services are eligible for VAT relief you may be able to claim VAT relief under VAT Notice 701/7: VAT reliefs for disabled and older people.

Wightman and Parrish have prepared a digital form for you to complete, then print and sign. Please contact us for this digital form. We recommend Google Chrome as a browser to support the filling of form fields. If you are using another browser and cannot edit the fields you may need to download or use Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.

If you need any assistance please contact our Client Services team on 01323 445001 or email [email protected]

VAT Notice 701/7: VAT reliefs for disabled and older people

What’s this notice about?

  • which goods and services for disabled people are zero rated for VAT
  • which goods and services for older people are reduced rated for VAT
  • the declaration your customer should give to you

Who should read this notice?

You should read this notice if you supply:

  • goods and services to disabled people
  • goods and services to charities which serve the needs of disabled people
  • mobility aids to people 60 or over

Read the full VAT Notice 701/7: VAT reliefs for disabled and older people on the HMRC website.